I am SO going to win the Body Shop Products Contest

Hye world! Hari nih aku join giveaway by CLIVE. Actually tuan punya giveaway dah ajak aku hari tuu lagi. Tapi kemalasan membuat post punya pasal aku tangguh sampai hari nih. So what? Bhahahah. Klik lar banner bawah nih join! Aku paksa nih wei :D
Ehem-ehem, mengikut syarat GA nih. Explain to me in the blog post why you need the products and why should I pick YOU as the winner! I need the product because... Okay first belit lidah aku nak speaking nih, hahah. Aku nak product tuu sebab aku tak pernah dapat. And sure aku akan dapatkan. Yeehaaa. Kalau tak dapat nak buat macam mana, bukan rezeki aku. Tapi aku still nak wei. Why should you pick ME as the winner, sebabnya memang aku sungguh-sungguh join GA kau. So jangan hampakan hati aku. Baik kau ambil aku jadi winner. Bhahahah, ketawa besar please :D 

Semua benda nih aku NAK ! HAHAHAH :D

Syarat kedua, remember to include a birthday wish for me . Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you. Happy birthday to Clive, happy birthday to you. Tepuk tangan please :) Firstly, Fyqa ucapkan selamat ulang tahun ke 24 untuk awak. Awak sudah tua ohh tapi nampak kiut ohh. Maybe =,=  Sorry Fyqa tak sempat nak cari nama sebenar awak. Fyqa hanya taw Clive, hikhik. So semoga awak berjaya dalam hidup, diberkati Allah s.w.t, dimurahkan rezeki and sihat walafiat. Don't be naughty. Aminn. 

Aku tamao cakap banyak. Aku just nak cakap aku nak GA tuu. The only 1 grand winner will be selected and it is me. Hoyeahhh. Kalau tak dapat, sub winner pun okay lah. Heheheh. Okay cukup sudah aku merayu. Ya allah, tolong beratkan hati penganjur untuk bagi aku menang. Aminn. Kbyebye :)

 May Allah bless us (:

3 Doakan Fyqa Kurus :):

Unknown said... Best Blogger Tips[Hit You Back !]Best Blogger Templates

hi.nanti tolong postkan link ni kat blogpost ga tu nanti ok... :)

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips[Hit You Back !]Best Blogger Templates

gud luck! semoga dapat GA tuh hihi..best plak tgk hadiahnya..

BTW, Nak invite you to come to our shop ^.^ Feel free to visit our shop. We are selling bags below RM 50. This is serious :) Do come


or find us on FB : The Puffy Clouds

Shah Scander said... Best Blogger Tips[Hit You Back !]Best Blogger Templates

Jangan lupa misi RunningReaders episod 3 semakin di penghujung!